Signing up for ProTELEC TextAlert is free and easy! To sign up for TextAlert follow the instructions below:


Step 1:

Sign in to your account through our web portal – Client Login.

You can access the Customer Portal as you used to – from the Customer Login tab on our ProTELEC Alarms website or by visiting:

All you need to log in to your account is your AR Number which can be found on the top right-hand corner of your invoice and your Authorization Code. The AR Number and Authorization Code should be entered in capital letters.








Step 2:

Select the SMS TextAlert option from the main menu.




Step 3:

Step 4:

Once you agree to the Terms and Conditions, the following page will display:












This is your current Keyholder list which you will now select which keyholders should receive TextAlerts by selecting the boxes to the left of the names.

TextAlerts will only work with cell phones.










The selected numbers will receive a welcome SMS from ProTELEC Alarms

If you require assistance with the sign-up process or would like more information regarding ProTELEC TextAlert or the terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us:
Phone: 204-949-1417
Toll-Free: 877-949-1417